Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Library Book

by Susan Orlean
April 19-30, 2019

The Library Book is absolutely the author's homage to the library. Explained in the blurb: "weaving her lifelong love of books and reading into an investigation of the fire ... author Susan Orlean delivers a mesmerizing and uniquely compelling book that manages to tell the broader story of libraries and librarians ..." This is all true, EXCEPT, I wouldn't say the book weaves. It's kind of an unorganized jumble.
"It is where we can glimpse immortality; in the library, we can live forever."
All of it was fascinating, from the history of the LA Public Library, to the 1986 fire that destroyed nearly half a million books, to the suspect Harry Peak, but for me this was one case where I would have preferred a linear timeline. And while the main focus should have been on the fire itself, it wasn't. That's what I wanted more of. Everything else was very interesting, but the combinations of so many topics and dates left the book spread a little too thin.

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1 comment:

  1. One of the few I couldn't finish. Just too much detail told in such flat way.
